DFL- and Labor-Endorsed
Dear Neighbors,
When you made the decision to elect me in an historic election 4 years ago, you gave me the privilege of serving you to the best of my ability. You knew that my background in Social Work, over two decades in state and local government operations and lived experience qualified me for the job ahead. Thank you for believing in me.
Since that historic night in 2018, I’ve led on many issues that have directly impacted the residents of the fourth district. As chair of the Health and Human Services Committee, I’ve helped to solidify over $90M in housing infrastructure, shelter capacity increases, eviction prevention and housing stability for all. I’ve focused on Public Health approaches to unsheltered homelessness through my leadership as Co-Chair of Heading Home Hennepin. I chair the Child Well-Being Advisory Committee which has given me the opportunity to lead on transformative and systemic changes to our child protection system, working directly with the community to decrease the disparities in this system.
I am humbly asking for your support as I run for re-election to the Hennepin County Board. We must continue the work to keep our neighbors housed, build more equitable development, uplift the health and wellness of our neighborhoods and keep them environmentally sustainable. I’ve already started on this work and, with you, it would be an honor to continue.
In partnership,

2022 and Beyond
I have heard from many students that food insecurity on the U of M campus is a top priority. Through listening to these students, I’ve been able to work with the U and county staff to look at improvements to the Hennepin County Service Center that is currently on campus. We need to expand that space so that students can access Food, Cash, Medical and other supports.
We will soon start implementing our Climate Action Plan and Zero Waste goals. I need to continue bringing your voices and concerns into this process. I wrote a resolution that would have brought the community into discussions around the county’s garbage burner, however this resolution did not pass. That means the fight continues to make sure all of your voices are heard as we move toward a zero-waste future. I made edits to our Climate Action Plan to highlight the fact that there is a future without garbage burning and we should be preparing now for what that future looks like.
Every resident of Hennepin County deserves clean air and a healthy and sustainable environment. This is especially true in District 4 where the most polluted neighborhood in our state, East Phillips, continues to fight for the Indoor Urban Farm initiative of which I have been a strong supporter. These residents need good allies on their side and I’m proud to be a part of the fight for environmental justice.
We need to rethink how we use county-owned land to support community-led urban farming, urban agriculture and gardening which contribute to food security for many of our neighbors. I would like to continue the work I’ve started to examine county land-use.
County roads need drastic improvements to keep everyone walking and rolling safe. This means a change to our infrastructure that isn’t car-centered. Soon, many road projects in the district will require your input and I want to help uplift your voices so that the County can do a better job of centering your voices in these processes. I look forward to a better designed Park and Portland Avenues, for example, where speeds top 45 MPH on any given day.
I hope to earn your support this year and, If given the privilege to continue serving you on the County Board, I am certain we can accomplish all of these things and more.